Il existe deux evenements importants pour les fumeurs de pipe :
- La competition annuelle organisee sous l'egide du CIPC,
- Le Pipe Show de Chicago.
Vous connaissez les competitions du CIPC, mais certains ne connaissent peut-etre pas ce pipe show. Il existe depuis 15 ans et est organise par le CPCC (Chicagoland Pipe Collectors Club), dans un tres grand hotel situe a une trentaine de kilometre de Chicago : le Pheasant Run Resort.
Pendant 4 jours, des fumeurs de pipe et des artisans pipiers du monde entier se retrouvent la pour acheter et vendre des pipes, neuves ou estate. Cette annee, il y eut plus de 1 500 participants, exposants ou acheteurs.
Mais, c'est aussi l'occasion de conferences diverses sur la pipe et les tabacs, de retrouvailles amicales, .... De nombreux sites de photos et de comptes-rendus existent sur Internet. Vous pouvez les consulter pour bien connaitre cet evenement de fumeurs de pipe.
J'etais venu en 2003, et c'etait extraordinaire de voir l'hotel rempli de fumeurs de pipe. Aujourd'hui, les lois anti fumeurs sont la, et cela n'est plus possible, mais les organisateurs ont installe une tres grande tente (600 metres carres). Tout le monde s'y retrouve pour discuter et fumer, jusque tard dans la nuit. C'est tres sympathique.
Des sa creation, l'United Pipe Club of America (UPCA) a demande et obtenu une place au sein de cet evenement. Vernon Vig, son president, organise chaque annee l'Assemblee Generale de l'UPCA, et le Championnat des Etats Unis. Aussi, il m'a invite a y participer en tant que President du CIPC et il m'offrait l'hospitalite de sa chambre d'hotel. Avec l'accord du bureau, je suis donc arrive a Chicago jeudi 29 avril et j'ai eu le plaisir de retrouver des amis du CIPC : |
There exist two significant events for the smokers of pipe:
- annual competition organized under the aegis of the CIPC,
- Pipe Show of Chicago.
You know the competitions of the CIPC, perhaps but some do not know this pipe show. There has existed for 15 years and is organized by the CPCC (Chicagoland Pipe Collectors Club), in a very large hotel located at about thirty kilometer of Chicago: Pheasant Run Resort.
During 4 days, smokers of pipe and pipe craftsmen of the whole world find themselves there to buy and sell pipes, new or estate. This year, there were more than 1.500 participants, exhibitors or purchasers. But, it is also the occasion of various conferences on the pipe and the tobaccos, of friendly meeting again, …. Many sites of pictures and reports exist on Internet. You can consult them for knowing well this event of smokers of pipe.
I had come in 2003, and it was extraordinary to see the hotel filled smokers with pipe. Today, the laws anti smokers are there, and that is not possible any more, but the organizers installed a very large tent (600 square meters). Everyone is found there to discuss and smoke, until late in the night. It is very sympathetic.
As of its creation, United Pipe Club of America (UPCA) required and obtained a place within this event. Vernon Vig, its president, organizes each year the General meeting of the UPCA, and the Championship of the United States. Also, it invited me to take part in it as a President of the CIPC and it offered to me the hospitality of its hotel room. With the agreement of the office, I thus arrived at Chicago Thursday, April 29.
I was pleased to find friends of the CIPC: |
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Vernon avait reserve une table du show pour presenter l'UPCA, et le CIPC. Il avait fait imprimer une petite affiche pour annoncer le Championnat du Monde d'Estoril. Je l'ai distribuee sur toutes les tables.
Vendredi apres-midi, ce fut l'Assemblee Generale de UPCA. Une trentaine de personnes etaient reunies. Ce fut donc :
- Rapport des activites de l'annee (IPSD, participation au championnat de Debrecen,…)
- Rapport financier,
- Activites futures (Estoril,…)
- Presentation des ameliorations au site web de l'UPCA Mais, ce fut aussi l'occasion de remercier Franck Burla, fondateur et organisateur parfait de ce show depuis 15 ans. C'etait sa derniere prestation a ce titre. Vernon lui remit donc un diplome d'honneur en remerciement.
Dimanche 2 mai, sous la tente, eut lieu le Championnat americain, avec 54 participants. Les pipes etaient fournies par Morelli, et le tabac etait du Barbary Coast de G.L. Pease. Pas du tout facile a fumer ! Le champion americain fut Raymond Lykins, en 1h 11m 29s. Et si Pierre Pams fut heureux d'etre 10eme en 53' 28", je ne vous dirai pas les temps que Toni et moi avons realises.
Grace a l'UPCA, le CIPC est present a ce pipe show. Un grand merci a Vernon et a son equipe ! |
Vernon had reserved a table of the show to present the UPCA, and the CIPC. It had made print a small poster to announce the Championship of the World of Estoril. I distributed it on all the tables of the exposure.
Friday afternoon, it was the General meeting of UPCA. About thirty people were joined together. It was thus:
- Report of the activities of the year (IPSD, participation in the championship of Debrecen,…)
- Financial reporting,
- Future Activities (Estoril,…)
- Presentation of the improvements to the Web site of the UPCA But, it was also the occasion to thank Franck Burla, founder and perfect organizer of this show since 15 years. It was its last service for this reason. Vernon thus gave a diploma of honor to him in thanks.
Sunday, May 2, under the tent, took place the American Championship, with 54 participants. The pipes were provided by Morelli, and the tobacco was of Barbary Coast of G.L. Pease. At all easy to smoke! The American champion was Raymond Lykins, in 1:11 m 29s. And if Pierre Pams were happy to be 10th in 53 ' 28 ", I will not tell you times that Toni and me realized.
Thanks to the UPCA, the CIPC is present at this pipe show. A big thank you to Vernon and his team ! |
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Le 9 octobre aura lieu notre Assemblee Generale, a Estoril. Des a present, je veux attirer votre attention sur un sujet important de cette reunion : les elections de membres du Bureau. Il s'agit des Vice Presidents d'Europe du Sud, d'Europe du Nord, d'Asie, et du Tresorier.
Jonathan Lussi est Vice President d'Europe du Sud depuis 24 ans. Il m'a informe de sa decision de ne pas se representer pour un nouveau mandat. Je demande donc aux presidents des federations de cette zone d'y reflechir des a present, pour preparer des candidatures a cette fonction.
Jonathan a toujours represente dignement le CIPC et travaille dans son interet. Grace a lui, de nouveaux pays nous ont rejoints. Nous comprenons tres bien sa decision, meme si nous la regrettons, mais il sera toujours present dans nos reunions pour representer la Suisse.
Les federations concernees par cette election sont : la Belgique, la Croatie, l'Espagne, la France, la Hongrie, l'Italie, le Portugal, la Republique Slovaque, la Republique Tcheque, la Roumanie et la Suisse.
Je sais qu'elles trouveront un successeur digne de Jonathan.
October 9th will take place our General meeting, in Estoril. Dice now, I want to draw your attention to an important subject of this meeting: elections of members of the Office. They are the Vice Presidents of Europe of the South, of Northern Europe, of Asia, and the Treasurer.
Jonathan Lussi has been Vice President d' Europe of the South for 24 years. It informed me of its decision not to be represented for a new mandate. I thus ask for to the presidents federations of this zone to think of it as of now, to prepare candidatures for this function.
Jonathan represented always with dignity the CIPC and worked in its interest. Thanks to him, new countries joined us. We understand his decision very well, even if we regret it, but it will be always present in our meetings to represent Switzerland.
The federations concerned with this election are: Belgium, Croatia, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Romania and Switzerland.
I know that they will find a successor worthy of Jonathan.
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